Stylised name in Fusion 360
This is the initial sketches for my initials, which are C, W, and K respectively from left to right.
This image shows the first shape that was formed with loft, but this shape did not allow shelling. I followed Russel's suggestion and shifted the "C" sketch around.
This shape is formed after I shifted the sketch up and rotated it by about 50 degrees.
Finally, this shape enabled me to shell it and create a hollow shape that represents a stylised version of my initials.
The Physical Model for the previous Fusion Model
The expanded plan for the object.
Isometric view of the object
Second iteration to my model
This model is an upgrade to Iteration 1, reflected in a similar wedge-shaped extension at the front. The major improvement comes in the form of the slanted roof. Previously, it was a simple slanted plane, now it is slanted and arrow-shaped. The roof also have less exposure to light, replacing the large glass panel with small skylights.
This model also uses cardboard as its primary material, which is sturdier than iteration 1. The spaghetti that was acting as the steel window frame is also replaced by wooden sticks.
For the functionality of the model, this model have a removable roof and back wall, which allow a better scope of the interiors and facilitated the following light interactions.
Skylights during evening (when the sun is at the top right part of the image)
Skylights during noon. (When sun is at the top centre part of the image)
Night view of the room